Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

“Gemini” – dual 1 DOF master devices

Developed by: Roel Kuiper, Leroy Boerefijn, Ward Heij, Marijn Flipse, Wilco Vreugdenhil, Kang Wang
Operational since: 2014 (until March 2017)

The Gemini are a set of identical 1 DOF haptic manipulators, that can be linked through a Bachmann industrial controller to act as a master-slave tele manipulator; or alternatively they can function as two separate master devices for bi-manual control in a virtual environment.

CoolDevice-3 CoolDevice-4

In spring 2017, the Gemini served as the basis for two levers that each have a planar rotational DOF as well, for use in the Haptics for the Maritime Environment project.

Associated Research Programmes:
Created by The Laboratory Network