Starting with worker-robot relations
The first academic project around FRAIM has had its kick-off on February 10th 2022. Our vision towards worker-centered transdisciplinary research towards robot-assisted workprocesses was included in the recently awarded BrightSky project, initiated by KLM.
In an ecosystem including a.o. Hogeschool Amsterdam, SME’s, RoboHouse and SAM-XL, we will contribute with 2 PhDs and 2 postdocs to design robot-assisted work-processes around inspection and repair of a wide range of aircraft parts. We will approach their search for the right robot-assistance by engaging in transdisciplinary research and innovation: integrating interdisciplinary academic perspectives (human-robot interaction, human factors, design, ethnography and psychology) with domain-knowledge from skilled workers.

The core team exists of two PhDs and two postdocs:
- Nicky Mol (PhD candidate human-robot interaction)
- Micah Prendergast (postdoc robotics)
- PhD in Design Engineering (vacancy)
- Postdoc in Work & Organisational Psychology (vacancy)
This core team is co-supervised by an interdisciplinary team of scientists, who also participate in the Gravitation Grant consortium:
- David Abbink (TUD, human-robot interaction)
- Luka Peternel (TUD, robotics)
- Maria Luce Lupetti (TUD, design engineering)
- Arnold Bakker (EUR, work&organisational psychology)
We additionally leverage the talents of MSc students like
- Tosca Horstink (IDE), supervised by Mieke v/d Bijl-Brouwer and Maria Luce Lupetti
- Ernst Lock (3mE, human-robot interaction)