Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Tutorial at World Haptics ’15

We invite you to participate in the half-day tutorial “Human-Centered Design and Evaluation of Haptic Shared Control across different Applications” at the IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015 in Chicago on June 22, 2015. 

— Why attend this tutorial? —

Through presentations and interactive demonstrators you will have the opportunity to learn about and feel the achievements of the “Human-Centererd Haptics” research program, the largest haptics collaboration in The Netherlands. This research program has developed novel findings concerning design and implementation of haptic shared control (an intuitive and tangible way to enhance human-in-the-loop control of vehicles or telemanipulators) for a wide variety of practical applications including telerobotics in space, nuclear, medical and deep-sea environments, as well as lifting aids.

Besides providing an overview of state-of-the-art solutions, the goal of this tutorial is to establish and discuss guidelines for the design and evaluation of haptic shared control systems. We will do so by means of a panel discussion with several key experts in the field of haptics and assistive technologies.

— Confirmed panel members — 

Prof. Dr. Frans van der Helm – Delft University of Technology
Prof. dr. Astrid Kappers – VU University Amsterdam
Dr. Allison Okamura – Stanford University

— More information —

More information about this tutorial:
More information about “Human-Centered Haptics” research program:



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