David wins VIDI grant (800,000 euro)
David just received notice that his Vidi research proposal has been granted! This highly competitive personal grant is worth 800,000 euro’s and allows David to hire two PhDs and a postdoc: an excellent opportunity to strengthen the research activities of the Delft Haptics Lab!
The proposal is entitled:
“Developing a feel for symbiotic driving.
Establishing haptic shared control as adaptive, individualized interaction between driver and highly-automated car”
Click here for more information about the proposed VIDI research.
The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi is a grant for excellent researchers, who are experienced but still within 8 years after their PhD graduation. Vidi gives researchers who have already spent several years doing research the opportunity to develop an own innovative lines of research, and to appoint one or more researchers. Vidi is part of the Talent Scheme of NWO.