Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Dr. Arkady Zgonnikov

I graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University with MSc in Applied Mathematics in 2009, and did my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering at University of Aizu in 2011-2014. My early research focused on mathematical modeling of intermittent motor control in human operators. In 2015, I joined the Department of Psychology, National University of Ireland Galway, as Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow to study response dynamics of decision making. In 2017, I returned to University of Aizu to investigate how decision making and motor behavior influence each other.

In June 2019, I joined the Haptics Lab as a postdoc on the AiTech programme. Here I will try to understand how human drivers make decisions during simple traffic interactions, and investigate how this understanding can help us to improve coordination between autonomous vehicles and human drivers. The overarching goal of my two-year project is to develop approaches to managing complex interactions between multiple human and artificial agents.

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