Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology Niek Beckers

Niek joined the Delft Haptics Lab on July 1st 2019, as a two-year postdoctoral researcher, supervised by prof. David Abbink. He will be working on the TUD’s interdepartmental AiTech program on meaningful human control of autonomous systems, together with Haptics Lab colleague Arkady Zgonnikov and 5 postdocs at other faculties. His research focuses on trust in automation, specifically in the situations where a user is haptically collaborating with an intelligent system.

Niek got his M.Sc. degree in Aerospace Engineering in Delft, worked at MIT in Boston, and did his Ph.D. at the lab of Herman van der Kooij at Twente University of Technology.

After work, he enjoys climbing, mountainbiking, and the outdoors in general.

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