Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Msc. Olger Siebinga

Olger performed his thesis research on a bi-directional haptic shared control interface for controlling a walking exoskeleton. The goal of the research was to develop an interface that enables paraplegics to make online adaptions to the exoskeletons walking motion. This thesis research was supervised by dr. ir. David Abbink and prof. dr. ir. Herman vd Kooij. Olger joined the haptics lab in Februari 2017 to start with his literature thesis on feedback methods in orthoses and prostheses. Previously Olger did and internship and worked for IHMC Robotics in Pensacola, Florida. He was a member of IHMC’s exoskeleton team that won the silver medal in the 2016 Cybathlon in Zürich.
He graduated in January 2018. If not working with robots or exoskeletons Olger enjoys brewing beer at the smallest brewery of the Netherlands.

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