Delft Haptics Lab

Delft University of Technology

Ir. Frank Hoeckx

1-year post-Master Research Engineer on Haptics for the Maritime Environment.

Frank joined the Delft Haptics Lab in dec 2014, after his 3-month internship at the ESA Telerobotics Lab (who are also involved in the H-Haptics programme).

He finished his literature study on dynamic trajectory generation for shared control in July 2015.

In his MSc project he used Gaussian Mixture Models to individualise guidance trajectories, and compared these to minimum-jerk based trajectories during tele manipulation. His experiment was performed on the Munin telemanipulator.

Frank was supervised by Jeroen Wildenbeest and David Abbink, and has graduated in August 2016.

After a short holiday, he started on the project Haptics for the Maritime Environment, funded through a cohesion grant in collaboration with the Maritime Engineering department.

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